If your game IS commercial, I would hire an animator and have them do this for you.

Make sure your game isn't commercial if you do this.
Then put it in the movie folder, and use the play movie command. If that doesn't work, download the video using YouTube to MP4, crop the video so that scene is the only part remaining, and convert it to the file format that RPG Maker uses. RPG Maker VX Ace Cutscene Skip RPG Maker Source 122 subscribers Subscribe 21 Share 3.1K views 7 years ago RPG Maker Source Freebie: Cutscene Skip Link to the script's page. If I use the RPGmaker VX Ace in-game generator.
Go into the RTP animation files and resize them, and reposition them. Dialog box RPG text generator Perchance For all your RPG needs Next Turn RPG. Hey guys, im creating a cutscene and its my first time i have managed to create a decent cutscene so far but now im stuck what i would like is to be able to do is have the main character in the cutscene at the start and then have another memeber of the party walk in from a door, I just need some help please doing that as im now stuck lol. I'm trying to get the RTP animations to appear during cutscenes in the way showed in the video, not use new animations entirely. I think I might need a bit more explanation >.< Aprenda como colocar um vídeo antes da tela de título, e também aprenda a personalizar a tela de título de modo extremamente básico.Dowload Script: http://ww. avi, then use VLC to convert into the correct format for rpgmaker, which is. A cutscene is a usually non-interactive portion of a game generally used to show advancements of a games plot or to reveal a new objective to the player. You need to make sure your shot is in the correct ratio, which varies depending on the engine. If this isn't what you want, add in the animation, but make it look large, so it'll flash the screen larger. I have used Sony Vegas Pro in the past, but it takes a lot of work.

Originally posted by A Festive Pumpkin:You'll need to find the attack animation you're looking for.